March 9, 2013
Today we’ll check in with our contestant, Danielle, and find out how the search for Mr. Right is going – still narrowing!
March 9, 2013
Today we’ll check in with our contestant, Danielle, and find out how the search for Mr. Right is going – still narrowing!
March 2, 2013
Last week, Danielle told us that she had literally HUNDREDS of guys contact her after creating her profile! This week we’ll find out if Danielle has been able to narrow things down a bit – at least to a measley 50!
February 23, 2013
Today we’ll check in with our contestant, Danielle, and find out how the search for Mr. Right is going!
February 16, 2013
Listen as we meet Daneille and she creates her profile on!
Danielle is 25, born and raised in Oakville and graduated with an Honours BA from Wilfrid Laurier University in ’09. She graduated with an MSc in Sexual and Reproductive Health from Queen Margaret University in ’12. “Sperm act as the bullet points on my resume.”
She enjoys campfires, naps, and organizing things. Her ambitions are to write a NY Times bestseller one day and to run the Boston Marathon.
Jesus is her best friend. She likes climbing trees and thinks Into the Wild is the best movie ever! Danielle is close to her mom and dad and her favourite food is a grilled cheese sandwich. She enjoys bopping to Beyoncé in her car and tends to do impulsive things that usually don’t go very well as seen below. “In my defense, she should of put a ring on it!”
Why Would You Make The Best Contestant on The Dating Game?
“I would be the best contestant for the dating game simply because I would give Christian Mingle a fair shot. Mainly because it’s only a matter of time before mom and dad create an online dating account for me anyway! I’d really rather beat them to the punch on this one 🙂
Besides, right now my life is incredibly boring and I could really use some excitement (winter isn’t the ideal season for tree climbing) Also, it seems like all my friends are getting hitched and have buns in their ovens. I want to play! (please note that while this is true, I am not a crazed, single Christian girl who flings herself at single Christian males. you know the kind!)
The other night I saw the best kiss ever on my favourite tv show and felt a twinge in my stomach. An achy sort of twinge. I’d really like to know what that was about. I really like trying new things and just giving it a go. Suffice it to say that THIS would be very, very new for me!” – Danielle
Are you single and looking? (Yes there’s a difference!) If so, then Drew wants to help you find that special someone! If you’re up for a bit of fun – we’ll pick up the tab – while you look for love!
Send us (
1/Your contact details 2/Your picture 3/As much information about you as possible, including why YOU would make the best choice as a contestant on THE DATING GAME!
*The person selected to be our DATING GAME contestant will receive A FREE 1 year subscription to ChristianMingle AND… after Drew helps you find the best possible match, we’ll pick up the tab for an exquisite night out on the town with HOPEFULLY that special someone, in one of the GTA’s most exclusive restaurants!!
**Contestants must be over 21 and live in the Greater Toronto Area.