In Studio with Marc!

In Studio with Marc!

Well last week, two gentlemen whom Valerie connected with on ChristianMingle, joined us in studio for Tim The Tool & Drew to screen on her behalf. However – one of them bailed! That’s right – a no show! So this week we’ll check in with Valerie to find out how she’s feeling about a/ Marc who showed up and b/ “Buddy” who didn’t! (We’ll leave his name out until he decides to “show up.” After all, it’s not cool to TOTALLY rip the guy apart and use his real name. Right? However, if he decides to “come to the party” we promise to be nice – and start using his name!) Looks like Marc has a pretty good shot of joining Valerie on an exquisite night out in the city!

The Dating Game – Valerie – Week 6

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