Introducing our NEW Dating Game Contestant…..

Introducing our NEW Dating Game Contestant…..

James Rhee James is a native Torontonian. He is of Korean background, but sometimes jokes about being half-Mennonite (due to his many modern Menno friends) or half-German (due to his parents meeting there). He considers himself culturally more as a “bruised-Banana” -part “yellow” (on the outside), part “white” (on the inside), with a mish-mash in between. He is 43-years young, but due to those Korean genes, he definitely doesn’t look it! Part of his vocation is being a public-school special education teacher at the middle school level. When asked about what that’s like, he is quick to respond, “It’s never boring!” By not shying away from pain, doubt nor difficult questions, James’ Christian faith has been shaped within community and by various life experiences-especially painful and difficult ones, both within his life and others’ lives. He enjoys many things including his friends, sports, reading, the arts (various kinds) and the outdoors, and has had the opportunity to travel to a number of places in his life, including living and volunteering in Haiti for one year. His Korean name means “broad-minded” (not “big-headed” Drew!), so he is often open to new and different experiences and learning. Over the last few years, he has been progressing with his cooking, and eats pretty much anything, with a particular weak-spot for chips. While James generally likes to plan ahead and have some structure in his life, he has also been known to be spontaneous and open to new things (e.g. applying to Amazing Race Canada, and to Drew’s Dating Game!). He generally just enjoys life and tries to make the most of it!

James has just won A FREE 1 year subscription to ChristianMingle AND… after Drew & Tim The Tool help him find the best possible match, we’ll pick up the tab for an exquisite date night out on the town with HOPEFULLY that special someone! James and his date will be chauffeur driven in a black Escalade to one of the GTA’s most exclusive French restaurants – Sassafraz – and then off to discover one of the best views of the city at Panorama Lounge! James joins us in studio and the boys will walk him through the process of signing up for

Join us here weekly to follow James’ progress as THE SEARCH continues!

The Dating Game – Christian Mingle

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